1. A Modern Teacher - http://www.amodernteacher.com/
April has AMAZINGLY beautiful and complete teacher planners, classroom management templates, and great ideas for just about everything else!
2. The Peanut Gallery - http://peanutgallery19.blogspot.com/
This amazing teacher has been teaching for over 20 years and has designed so many creative and functional themes for classrooms. She has everything from Hollywood to Owls (which I've purchased and am using this year).
3. Mrs. Jansen's 4th Grade Class - http://www.mrsjansen416.com/jansens-blog.html
Mrs. Jansen is multi-talented and has created wonderful classroom management tools. My personal favorites are her themed classroom kits, especially The Wizard of Oz and she has Common Core Standards for 3rd and 4th grades along with many templates and printables for reading conferences, student portfolios, and so much more!
Here's the link to her store again:
4. Oh Boy 4th Grade - http://ohboy3rdgrade.blogspot.com/
Ms. Farley has a great sense of humor and a passion for teaching and her students that is evident in her designs and posts. If you're looking for anything mustache - you WILL find it with Farley!
All these blogs and Teachers Pay Teachers site and AH MAH ZING and definitely worth checking out!